Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 24, Tuesday- June 3

I had a horrible bug moment tonight! I came home from work and left the garage door open for a while. I purposely left it open so I could take the garbage bin out after dinner. I did do that, but forgot to close the garage door afterwards. Apparently I also left the overhead light on in the garage and I just went to open the door that leads to the garage and about 1 million bugs, moths and flying things were in there. I screamed and slammed the door shut. (Our cat, who was in the garage at the time completely freaked out too!) Okay...now I'm officially scared for when I open the door in the morning. Are bugs going to fall on my head? Are they going to die in there overnight, or are they waiting for me when I have to walk to my car in the morning? OMG. I need Chris. Evan will have to step up and be a man and go out the door into the garage first tomorrow morning.

PS...the kids liked my dinner better tonight. Chicken patty sandwiches, french fries and corn (no, it was NOT fast food either!)

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