Sunday, May 18, 2008

Days 6, 7, & 8 (Friday, Sat, Sun- May 16, 17, & 18)

I know I am behind in my daily blog, but I have been very busy and very tired the last two evenings. Friday was a great day! The kids had great checkups at the doctor. All is well with both of them and they were great when they got their finger pricked- no screaming this time. (partly because I bribed them ahead of time with a McDonalds milkshake if they were good.) Friday evening was lots of fun. My friend Julie and I attended the birthday bash of another friend's mom (Peggy's mom, Jeanette). It was a blast dancing and hanging out with so many of my co-workers! Everyone was dressed up, relaxed to be away from work, and having a great time! There was a girl there who kind of looked like me and she did the worm/snake right across the dance floor! It was funny! Julie and I were really able to relax and have fun knowing that her husband, Daryl, was babysitting our kids (all four of them) with pizza, movies and games.

The kids and I spent the night at Julie's that night. I awoke to the smell of homemade biscuits and gravy! Julie is one of the best cooks I know! The kids and I were in heaven! We all enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and then we left for Carowinds about 8:30 a.m. I bought season passes for Carowinds because I thought it would be a fun thing for me and the kids to do together while Chris was away. (a season pass is also waiting for Chris when he comes home to us.) We had a great time riding rollercoasters and other rides and paying $4.00 for each bottle of water and $25.00 for lunch for the 3 of us! We even met up with my friend, Jen and her kids Brianna and Caleb (Erin and Evan's good friends.) Evan was excited to ride his first upside down rollercoaster, the Carolina Cyclone. The park was packed though, and we waited for one ride for 1 hour and 20 minutes! That took some of the fun out of it. Evan had to go to the bathroom mid-way through the line and I told him he HAD to hold it. He did, but I was pretty nervous the whole time we were in that line (did I mention we were in line for a WATER ride?)

We were at Carowinds for 8 and 1/2 hours! (I am expecting the "Mom-of-the-year" award), I pulled into our driveway about 6:30 p.m. and couldn't believe my eyes! Our friend, Ron Wood mowed our grass for us (AND...had weed-eated all our weeds!) will NOT believe how good our yard looks! Remember all the weeds under the swing set?....GONE!) I can actually see the edge of our house now. I plan to take a picture and post it later today. Ron Wood is the best yard man around! We have the best friends! ( will need some lessons on weed-eating when you come home, my love.)

Needless to say after dancing Friday night, walking around Carowinds and riding coasters on Saturday, I could barely get out of bed today. I plan on taking lots of Advil today and spending most of my day doing laundry and cleaning up the house. Erin has a BIG week at school this upcoming week with her EOG's on Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday. I have to figure out and plan some real meals for tonight, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so she will have good nutrition and 'brain food' for the week.

We have spoken to Chris several times throughout the weekend. He sounds like he's having fun, although his dad has a sinus infection right now. We are hoping he feels better soon. They visit the Grand Canyon in a couple of days! We miss him! ( would be proud the kids so far. They have been GREAT for me.) Let's hope this great behavior continues for three more weeks.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! You should call Emily and convince her to do a "28 Days Without David" blog. She hasn't done Carowinds, but she has done Kidsenses twice so far. At least I'm away for work- your bum of a husband is just on vacation (just kidding Chris- I'm enjoying your blog too). KOKO (keep on keeping-on)-


cinder99 said...

Amy,Erin and Evan,
We were getting concerned because you didn't blog for a couple of days. Now, we understand. Time passes faster when we stay busy, doesn't it? Erin, get lots of rest this week. You will do well on your EOG's. We are both OK.
Love to all, Gramma Betts

Krista said...

You guys sound like you're having SO much fun! I wish I were there to share the good times. I LOVE Carowinds! :) Good luck to Erin this week and to you too sissy - keep it up! I'm so proud of you!

Jen said...

um, how come no mention of that girl that looks like you having a big old black and blue on her chin??? LOL!