Monday, May 12, 2008

Amy- Traveling on my own road to surviving without Chris for 29 days!

I fully support Chris and his dad in their father-son journey across America, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy on me and the kids. Other than worrying about him and his dad every single day (and all the crazy drivers out there), I have to figure out how to do things around the house that Chris normally takes care of. Evan has officially been promoted to my #1 bug/spider killer. Erin is the second in command at home. Follow my own journey as I figure out how to be a single mom for 29 l-o-n-g days. Should be interesting...

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'm so proud! Sorry about the fish, but with Evan in charge of the bug control and Erin second in command, what could possibly go wrong??!!!