Saturday, May 31, 2008
Day 21- Saturday, May 31st
You will have to watch an advertisement first, then the video will open
Also...another great part of the day was that my sister, Krista, together with her fiance Jason and my parents have most likely made a selection of a date and location for their upcoming wedding. Looks like we will be making a trip to Marco Island, FL the weekend of April 18, 2009! They are planning to get married on the beach (way cool) and the reception and festivities will be at the Marco Beach Ocean Resort. The party is on!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Day 20- Friday, May 30th
Today was a FABULOUS day!Me, Peggy, Julie, and Barbara went to see "Sex and the City- The Movie" this afternoon! It was wonderful, beautiful, fabulous, sad, happy, and worth the wait! I would never spoil the fun by telling what it's about- you will just have to see for yourself. I just finished downloading my new ringtone from the theme of the 'Sex and the City.' iTunes rocks and so does my iPhone!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day 19- Thursday, May 29th

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day 18- Wednesday, May 28th
Evan is looking forward to Field Day tomorrow. He was naughty at school today though. I think he's gotten a little spring/early summer fever. He's pretty much ready for summer to begin. We are starting the countdown for school to be over for the year (10 days, I think.)
My sister and her fiance', Jason, are on their way to see my parents (from Seattle, WA to Venice, FL.) They will be checking out all kinds of Florida locations for their upcoming wedding. We are all looking forward to finding out the exact date and location! I'm the matron-of-honor! More updates about the wedding plans in a few days...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day 17- Tuesday, May 27th
I'm smiling as I'm typing this because I just got off the phone with Chris. He and his dad made it safely to Salt Lake City. It was great to talk to him, but he sounds really, really tired. They are looking forward to their rest day tomorrow. REST DAY..unfortunately I am not familiar with that concept.
Luckily for me, the kids have been great the past couple of days- very sweet, actually. I had to drag them with me to get my nails done tonight (yes- it's my thing- let it go.) Afterwards we enjoyed a nice dinner together (chicken, green beans and mac and cheese). That Colonel man sure knows how to cook a chicken right.
I'm off to watch 'Dreamgirls' for about the 30th time this month- nothing is on TV right now. I haven't heard the ESPN Sports Center intro song in 17 days. Who would have ever thought I would miss that?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Day 16- Monday, May 26
We've got a busy week ahead of us...field day, EOG celebration day, recital practice on Thursday night and Erin's dance recital on Friday. I also have to remember to take the trash out on Wednesday morning. A giant thank you and hug to Ron Wood who cut our grass again today! ( looks great!) Ron also taught me about vents we have around the house. Apparently they should be opened to help with circulation under the house. I have to remember to close them when it starts getting cold outside. Also... one of the lights burnt (burned?) out in our bedroom ceiling- it's way, way up there. Not even sure we have a ladder to reach that tall. That will be Chris' first project when he comes home. (smile.)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Day 15, Sunday- May 25th
I'm off to watch a chick-flick movie, "27 Dresses." Netflix is probably wondering why ALL the movies in my queue are girly-types and not action-dramas like our usual queue.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Day 14- Saturday, May 24th
Be sure to check out the real or online version of the Shelby Star tomorrow. I hear that Chris and Vance may be in it...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Day 13, Friday- May 23rd
Speaking of work, Evan apparently has decided to have a new profession- hair cutting. At least, that's what he did a few minutes ago when he was in one room and I was on the phone with Chris in the other room. Out of the blue, he decided to pick up a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of hair from the exact middle of his head. He cut at least 2 inches! Dork. See the picture- Chris actually got to hear the yelling I did when I discovered what he had done. Why do kids do things like this? Erin, by-the-way, is today's little angel.
I'm looking foward to a good night's sleep.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Day 12, Thursday May 22nd
EOG's are over for Erin! She celebrated by going out to dinner with Brianna Plummer (it was Brie's 10th b-day today too! Boy oh boy, our girls are really growing up!) Evan and I went to dinner at Georgio's in Boiling Springs. It's a really nice restaurant! All the waitresses were coming over to our table flirting with Evan. He did look really adorable today in a really cool blue shirt- his eyes were really, really blue! He used really good manners while we were out. This was good. I think he must be going through a growth spurt of some kind. He has been eating so much food lately! He is so active though, so I guess it's fine.
Forgot to take the trash bin out on Wednesday morning, but I guess its not a tragedy. So far, that's the only thing I've forgotten since Chris has been gone. We all miss Chris terribly! Evan drew a picture of him and wrote, "To my daddy. I love and miss you at home." (Insert dagger to the heart.) We're going to try to do a video conference this weekend so we can 'see' each other. Not sure if I can figure out how to do that without Chris here, but we'll see...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Day 11- Wed, May 21st
Evan was much better today. No burping (that I heard.) Erin said she feels great about today's math portion of the EOG. Tomorrow is the last portion of math- calculator inactive part. Yeah! it's almost over! She's had an excellent teacher this year, Susan Lucas, so I'm not worried!
We had Steak Um's, tater tots and baby peas for dinner. For a special treat, we ate at the coffee table in the living room and watched an old DVD of "The Electric Company." If you are as old as me, you will remember that show! (Trivia question....what year was this show introduced?) The answer is 1971. Bill Cosby, Rita Moreno and Morgan Freeman looked hilarious! The kids really liked it and I, myself, felt like a little kid watching it again. It brought back so many memories! It's fun when you can share things like that with your own kids. Since it was from the 70's, everything was 'heavy', 'groovy', and 'right on!'
Chris called us right before dinner. He made it to Hollywood, CA! I completely freaked when he called and said, "I just saw Brad Pitt!"- He was just kidding though. I'm gullible, even 3000 miles away. How mad would I have been if that had been true and I wasn't there? He promised me to keep an eye out for any stars he might see. He and his dad are staying with his cousin, Thad and his wife, Ingrid and their twin boys. He said that David Hyde Pierce and Kathryn Heigel live close by. Way cool!
Off to watch the finale of "American Idol..." Go Davids!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Day 10, Tuesday, May 20th
I made a good dinner tonight- cheese tortellini and garlic bread and peanut butter cookies for dessert. Evan had 3 full glasses of mik! That should make for lots of trips to the bathroom tonight.
Erin had a good day on her EOG Reading Test, she said. One down and two tests to go. Tomorrow is the calculator-active math portion. She's ready.
In case anyone is wondering...I did actually get on the treadmill last night, but I have to confess it was only to move all the laundry that was piled on it. Not that it's clean and ready for use I will tackle it with my iPod and some good tunes. I miss hearing Chris run on the treadmill in the evenings. I just miss Chris being here in general.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Day 9, May 19th
Although I was prepared to make Erin a great dinner tonight, she said she wanted pancakes from the Snak Shop (our local diner in Boiling Springs.) Sounded good to me! She is ready to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow's Reading EOG test. I'm trying to downplay the whole testing thing with her, as much as possible.
Evan had a great day at school and best of all, NO homework! Gotta love these rare nights.
No drama today at our house. (Yeah!) I should probably be doing something more productive like work out or clean out my dresser drawers, but I might just have to watch some tv (maybe I'll do that ON the treadmill.) Until tomorrow...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Days 6, 7, & 8 (Friday, Sat, Sun- May 16, 17, & 18)
The kids and I spent the night at Julie's that night. I awoke to the smell of homemade biscuits and gravy! Julie is one of the best cooks I know! The kids and I were in heaven! We all enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and then we left for Carowinds about 8:30 a.m. I bought season passes for Carowinds because I thought it would be a fun thing for me and the kids to do together while Chris was away. (a season pass is also waiting for Chris when he comes home to us.) We had a great time riding rollercoasters and other rides and paying $4.00 for each bottle of water and $25.00 for lunch for the 3 of us! We even met up with my friend, Jen and her kids Brianna and Caleb (Erin and Evan's good friends.) Evan was excited to ride his first upside down rollercoaster, the Carolina Cyclone. The park was packed though, and we waited for one ride for 1 hour and 20 minutes! That took some of the fun out of it. Evan had to go to the bathroom mid-way through the line and I told him he HAD to hold it. He did, but I was pretty nervous the whole time we were in that line (did I mention we were in line for a WATER ride?)
We were at Carowinds for 8 and 1/2 hours! (I am expecting the "Mom-of-the-year" award), I pulled into our driveway about 6:30 p.m. and couldn't believe my eyes! Our friend, Ron Wood mowed our grass for us (AND...had weed-eated all our weeds!) will NOT believe how good our yard looks! Remember all the weeds under the swing set?....GONE!) I can actually see the edge of our house now. I plan to take a picture and post it later today. Ron Wood is the best yard man around! We have the best friends! ( will need some lessons on weed-eating when you come home, my love.)
Needless to say after dancing Friday night, walking around Carowinds and riding coasters on Saturday, I could barely get out of bed today. I plan on taking lots of Advil today and spending most of my day doing laundry and cleaning up the house. Erin has a BIG week at school this upcoming week with her EOG's on Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday. I have to figure out and plan some real meals for tonight, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so she will have good nutrition and 'brain food' for the week.
We have spoken to Chris several times throughout the weekend. He sounds like he's having fun, although his dad has a sinus infection right now. We are hoping he feels better soon. They visit the Grand Canyon in a couple of days! We miss him! ( would be proud the kids so far. They have been GREAT for me.) Let's hope this great behavior continues for three more weeks.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Day 5- Thursday, May 16
Also, a big thank you to Wanda and Jen who helped take care of Erin and Evan tonight while I had to work late. I have great friends!
I managed to remember to take the trash out on Wednesday night, but I didn't bring the trash bin inside the garage when I got home last night- and the trash man left the lid open. It rained most of today, so now I have water in the trash bin. I don't really 'do' trash that well, so it will just have to evaporate somehow.
Erin and Evan have their annual doctor appointments tomorrow. It should be interesting for 2 reasons: tomorrow is Wacky-Tacky day at school and I'm picking them up early to get them to their doctor appointments. Everyone at the doctor's office is going to think I dress my kids like that. Evan is crazy enough to tell people that's just a normal outfit for him. I could pack extra clothes, but after the week I've had, I'd rather just let people talk about us. The second reason their appointments should be interesting is because Erin FREAKS out when it's time to have her finger pricked. Literally...she will scream bloody murder- thus increasing our odds that everyone will be looking at us. Looking forward to that. Good times.
I just got off the phone with Chris. He sounds great, but tired. He's looking forward to his rest day tomorrow. I miss him so much, but I know he's having the time of his life on the road. His blog is amazing- be sure to check it out.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Day 4- Wednesday, May 14
Rule: j= q-10
input q 26 ? ? 66 73 74 ?
output j ? 29 45 ? ? ? 83
input b 2 4 ? 16 32
output a ? 2 3 ? ?
I should have paid more attention in math class. Does this now explain to everyone why I decided to be an English major? Calgon take me away! (or, Chris...come home soon so I don't mess up our kids!) Just kidding. I'll ask some math experts that I work with tomorrow.
The kids had a nice meal for dinner tonight. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn. Did I mention is was a Banquet meal? I haven't eaten dinner yet- it's already 9 pm! I'll probably have cereal for dinner. Tomorrow is a long, busy work day- it's late registration for all our students who waited until the last minute to register for a summer class.